一、经营活动产生的现金流量 Cash Flows from Operating Activities 三、筹资活动产生的现金流量 Cash Flows from Financing Activities
销售商品、提供劳务收到的现金 cash receipts from the sale of goods and the rendering of services 吸收投资所收到的现金 cash proceeds from investments by others
收到的税费返还 cash receipts of tax refunds 借款所收到的现金 cash receipts from borrowings
收到的其他与经营活动有关的现金 cash receipts relating to other operating activities 收到的其他与筹资活动有关的现金 cash receipts relating to other financing activities
现金流入小计 Sub-total of cash inflows 现金流入小计 Sub-total of cash inflows
购买商品、接受劳务支付的现金 cash payments for goods acquired and services received 偿还债务所支付的现金 cash repayments of amounts borrowed
支付给职工以及为职工支付的现金 cash payments to and on behalf of employees 分配股利或利润所支付的现金 cash payments for distribution of dividends or profits 9 or cash payment of interest expenses
支付的各项税费 cash payments of all types of taxes 支付的其他与筹资活动有关的现金 cash payments relating to other financing activities