Payer (付款单位): Contact (联系人):
Address (地址): Zip Code (邮编):
Tel (电话): Fax (传真):
备注:如果申请单位与付 款单位不同,付款单位拒绝付款时,申请单位有责任付款。Applicant has the duty to pay the testing expenses in case payer rejects the payment.
Report Delivered to (报告原件寄往): 0Applicant (申请方) 0Payer (付款方)
Invoice Delivered to (发票寄往): 0Applicant (申请方) 0Payer (付款方)
Sample Description样品描述
Sample name¬¬¬¬¬¬ (样品名称):
Number of samples (样品数):
Color (颜色):
Fiber composition (原料成份):
Product End Uses (产品最终用途):
0Men 0Women 0Children 0Infant
Order No. (定单号):
Style No. (款号):
Vendor (贸易商):
Manufacturer (生产商):
Buyer's name (买家):
Care Instruction (洗涤方法):
* Care instruction should be indicated if applying for dimensional stability, colour fastness to washing or appearance retention test.
Test Required (测试项目):
Dimensional Stability/Shrinkage
0Washing (水洗)
0Drycleaning (干洗)
We apply for the above tests and agree that all testing will be carried out subject to ******* TESTING SERVICES LTD., Guangzhou's scale of charges as set forth in their latest pricelist of which we have seen a copy and upon and subject to the terms and conditions set out hereon and overleaf.(我们申请的以上测试,将依照广州天祥技术服务有限公司所制定的现有统一价目表来收费;附加相关的条款请参看背页)
Date 日期:
Authorized Signature and Company Chop of the Applicant